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Brighton & Hove has the opportunity to attract a spectacular £6 million tourist attraction onto Brighton’s seafront.

Local business Paramount Attractions is proposing to build a unique 60-metre observation wheel, called the ‘Brighton O’, on the lower seafront adjacent to the Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel.

Designed specifically for Brighton, it will be the first of its kind in the western hemisphere – a contemporary, spokeless wheel with 32 glass pods gliding around an elegant circular frame. It will provide breath-taking, panoramic views of the sea and surrounding architecture and landmarks and provide a commentary and guided tour of the heritage of Brighton & Hove.

Funding is in place now and construction can start right away subject to temporary planning permission.

Said Jeffrey Sanders, Director of Paramount Attractions: “We believe in Brighton and Hove and we have £6m in place to build and operate a leisure attraction that will give people another very powerful reason to spend time in the city.

“It will open up unseen views to residents, create full-time employment and provide a direct boost to local business. It will be a unique structure, built by one of the world’s leading attraction specialists, and will be affordable to visit.”

The project will regenerate the immediate area, significantly helping the seafront traders, who have suffered over the last few seasons with the bad weather and the project team have already received positive feedback from local businesses who recognise the benefit of neighbouring such a high-profile and appealing attraction.

Continued Jeff Sanders: “The project will also invest in landscaping the lower seafront around the structure and create attractive pedestrian walkways. But, most excitingly, we can provide a view of the city from the sky and we are working with local historical groups to make sure that the city’s heritage is preserved and shared as part of this project.”

Early estimates indicate that the attraction will be visited by around 250,000 visitors, including new visitors to the city, boosting the tourism industry and local economy, especially in the current economic climate.

Locally-based Paramount Attractions is part of a group of leisure companies that operate along the south coast from Eastbourne to the Isle of Wight and has commissioned an all-Brighton team to manage the project, including Stiles Harold Williams, Turner Associates Architects, structural engineering firm Hemsley Orrell Partnership; and PR firm Natural PR to manage a comprehensive public consultation.

People can keep abreast of the project’s progress and share their views at: www.brightono.com